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With great and interesting topics to read and share with friends, families and colleagues during this Christmas break.

With the current global situation, destabilization and civil unrest spreading sporadically, I have heard so many people say these are uncertain times. But I am forced to let them know we do not live in uncertain times, these are really certain times.
December -January Edition is out.
Our issue this month includes conversation with Israeli singer Hellen Yilma, Agenda 21, and few other articles written by wonderful believers for your spiritual growth.

My Grace is Sufficient

The calling we all have and called to is not for the feint of heart, it is not for the self-powerful, not for the self-sufficient, not for the strong-willed, but, for the one who relies on God's grace, for the one who yarns for more of God's sufficiency, for the one who gives God alone the Glory no matter what is achieved.

With the current global situation, destabilization and civil unrest spreading sporadically, I have heard so many people say these are uncertain times. But I am propelled to let them know we do not live in uncertain times. Realistically, these are really certain times.

These times are as certain as any time in all of human history, and the God of the universe laid out these times in great detail, point by point, and in fact, with all the details needed by His people to live in times of absolute certainty! So no, to believers, there's nothing uncertain about the times we live in.

In contrast to the path generally trodden today – one that tries to reach the inner life from the outside – this way must shine outward from within. Our spirit, received by the first man as God’s breath, must foremost be at home in our innermost being; our spirit must find the living roots of its strength there before it can press on to the periphery of life. Yet its calling is just this: to gain that mastery over all external things, which to a large extent it has lost in the world of today.

Man has lost his rulership over the earth and the just use of its wealth and resources because, through deep inner revolt, his spirit has been estranged from the breath of God and from his love. This book, then, should bear witness to the way into the inner land of the invisible; it should bear witness to the way to God and to the Spirit and love renewed again and again as the innermost experience of faith; and starting from here (for only then is it possible) it should bear witness to the best way to be effective as Christians.

The Inner Life

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The daily devotional passage is aimed at making you better and to help you encounter God through the sacred scripture, which will help focus your thoughts and guides your prayer life.
By praying and studying the word of God every day, Christians tend to grow closer and develop a stronger relationship with God. Helping you tune out other distractions so you can give God all of your attention. With The Seed Devotional Guide, you have the right mixture of a deeper insight into the bible, meditation note and prayer — which will enable you to experience an euphoric moments of rapturous communion with the Lord.

Don't give up on your daily devotions. Don't whip through them. Don't let them get crowded out by other demands and the hectic schedules of life. Rather learn more about the Christian life and drive to become more Christ-like. Your devotions may have seemed ordinary today, but God is making something extraordinary through it. Press on. Don't short-change the process.

The Seed Devotional Guide

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