Christians must be salt and light for victims of Morocco earthquake says journalist

A Christian journalist who has recently returned from travelling in the Atlas Mountains is urging people to pray for everyone affected by the earthquake in the region.


GJC | Donna Birrell

9/12/20232 min read

In our world where everything seems to be constantly changing, many Christians sometimes feel very uneasy. With the Fact of holding beliefs and adopt living a Christ-Centered life, how does one apply them into today's world?

A Christian journalist who has recently returned from travelling in the Atlas Mountains is urging people to pray for everyone affected by the earthquake in the region.

At least 820 people are now known to have died when the earthquake struck western Morocco overnight. Hundreds more are said to have been injured.

The epicentre was the remote Atlas Mountains - with damage extending more than 40 miles away to the tourist city of Marrakesh.

It's the biggest tremor to hit the region in more than a century.

Julia Bicknell has been speaking to Premier about how Christians can respond :

“I imagine the biggest problem right now will be for the emergency services to get in and out of the most affected region. The roads in the region are extremely narrow – one way in and one way out and they will be blocked by debris.

“Please pray for people's safety and protection and against further aftershocks. Pray for the nation that they will be able to come together and they will be able to use their resources, their emergency services, and hospitals as wisely and well as they possibly can. Many people will have been on holiday to Morocco, so please pray for the people that you met, that you got to know, whether it was the people in a hotel reception or elsewhere. Please also pray for Christians there as well, that they can be light and salt to the people surrounding them.”